Click on any blue link to read that article:
How Yucatan got its name
How the state of Quintana Roo got its name
How Palancar Reef and Palancar beach got their names
Cozumel’s population, 1549 to 2020
Cozumel’s dirty little secret: Rancho San Martin
How tourism started in Cozumel
Jean or Pierre? Who is the Lafitte brother buried in Yucatan?
Miguel Molas was a pirata, not a pirate
The true origin of the Popol Vuh
The Birth of the Cruise Ship Industry
The Documentary of Cozumel that Jacques Cousteau Never Made
The “Eagle on a Cactus Eating a Snake” Myth
Bases, Bulldozers, and Bullshit
Chichén Itzá: A story of Mass Delusion
Xcaret: Misnamed and misplaced
Cozumel has been selling Fake Cuban Cigars since 1878
A Cozumel without coconut palms
Abe Lincoln wanted to buy Cozumel
Cozumel Beach Trash
Misconceptions about Mayan writing, calendar and numbers
Monument to Los Niños Heroés in Cozumel
Connecting Capote, Cozumel, and the Killers of the Clutters
Cycling towards Armageddon
Prehistoric Cozumel
Casimiro Cárdenas and the Cedral Fair
The Cozumel Clocktower
De Landa’s book, “Cosas de Yucatan” does not exist!
The Slave Trade in Cozumel
How Cozumel was formed and First Populated
Cozumel, Cannibals, and a Catholic Church
Cozumel, Texas